September 3-7, 2018 NOWY SĄCZ


4th of September 2018. Venue: Nowy Sącz

Opening session and inaugural speech

Moderator: Dr Max Fras

Jacek Krupa - Marshal of Lesser Poland
Wojciech Piech - Deputy Mayor of Nowy Sącz, Poland
Zygmunt Berdychowski - Chairman of the Economic Forum Programme Council, Institute for Eastern Studies, Poland
Dr Paweł Poszytek - CEO, Foundation for the Development of the Education System, Poland
Agata Dziubińska-Gawlik - Chairman of European Meeting Centre - Nowy Staw Foundation, Poland
Dr Dariusz Woźniak - Rector of National-Louis University, Poland

‘People who will in a moment take the world in their hands are gathering here. This is a huge challenge, but also a great responsibility,’ said Jacek Krupa, Marshal of Lesser Poland as he opened the 13th Economic Forum of Young Leaders in Nowy Sącz. His words were addressed to young people from all over the world who came there.

Mr Krupa encouraged them to begin their being leaders from the work in their local communities. ‘Working in the local community, in local government, enables people to leave a mark on the Earth: physical, but also a mental, intellectual mark. It gives the opportunity to have an influence on others. Regardless of whether you ultimately choose a public, social, or commercial activity, remember that you cannot look down on people when you are on the top of your career. This is a natural human temptation, because normally while being on the top, you can’t see properly what is going on at the bottom. However, the ability to see it makes it possible to differentiate a careerist from a true businessman,’ said he.

Paweł Poszytek PhD, Chief Executive of the Foundation for the Development of the Education System, had great news for the participants of the Forum. ‘European Commission wants to double the budget of the Erasmus+ program. However, this did not appeal to the European Parliament, which demands tripling the budget. It will probably end up at the sum of two and a half times the current budget, which means that there will be much more opportunities for young people,’ said Mr Poszytek. He added also that the European mobility programs will deliver many tools and chances for young people. ‘For more than twenty years now we give you support, funding and chances. Nonetheless, that depends on you how you use it.’

‘I wish you, young leaders, that during this Forum you creatively participate in discussions, propose new ideas, search for new solutions to be able to transfer them later on to next generations,’ told the participants Agata Dziubińska-Gawlik, Chairman of the European Meeting Centre – Nowy Staw Foundation.

Rector of National-Louis University, Mr Dariusz Woźniak encouraged to prepare for work in an international environment. ‘Think and deliberate if you are ready for work with people from all over the world, including Africa or Asia, because these will be soon the main development paths. Universities should build in young people the openness for the world,’ he noticed.

XIII Economic Forum of Young Leaders in Nowy Sącz began with the opening session that was full of prominent speakers, who were happy to share their experience and thanks to that to be able to help young people in shaping their leadership. Each of them presented a distinct approach to that issue, depending on the career path they had chosen. However, they all transferred one common message and they underlined strongly one thing – the need to devote a great deal of effort to work from the early stages of their development as leaders and that they cannot deviate from their chosen course.

Jacek Krupa – Marshal of Lesser Poland advised to ask oneself an important question at the very beginning – what do I like to do and what I am good at – and follow this path. He himself, as the practitioner in public activity on different levels, from the very young age felt the need to act for the benefit of the local community. He shared his experience that shaped him as a community worker. The key, he admitted, is sensitivity to other people’s needs and the right dose of humility, because only then a leader can be authentic. Mr Krupa encouraged the participants also to start the activities on the local level. In his twenties, he was involved in Solidarity activities working in a glass factory, in his hometown Skawina. The Polish nationwide impact of that movement led to changes that were longed-for in Poland, Central and Eastern Europe. He held the office of the Mayor of Skawina, the Starost and finally Member of Parliament. What was always the most important for him were the local government activities, that is why he returned to that level holding the office of Marshal of Lesser Poland. The greatest joy in social activity is given by the effects of your work and your help to others, but we need to remember that the reword and applause are not the issues that we should concentrate on. It is a nice bonus, but one shouldn’t condition his actions with a vision of apanage. He expressed hope that the Economic Forum of Young Leaders can contribute to young people’s involvement in social activities for the benefit of others.

Wojciech Piech – Deputy Mayor of Nowy Sącz underlined that Nowy Sącz is proud to be the host of the Economic Forum of Young Leaders for the thirteenth time. He affirmed that this event is very important and prestigious for the city. He also expressed his pride that such a large international community came to the heart of Lesser Poland. He mentioned also the synergy that is able to positively shape the real face and the image of the city. To achieve it, many powers need to cooperate: social activity, the care of public space – environment and architecture, coordinated and well planned image-building activities, promotion campaigns, supporting entrepreneurship – that all is what creates the power and is demonstrated on the logotype of Nowy Sącz. What is also important is the openness to other people which is necessary to be able to benefit from the diversity, which is very interesting itself and which opens many development paths. He strongly encouraged the audience to always have this openness for others.

Paweł Poszytek PhD – Chief Executive of the Foundation for the Development of the Education System was talking about different tools that can be applied in supporting young leaders. One of such tools is the Erasmus+ programme that exists for twenty years now and that gives the opportunity to students to go abroad for the exchange of experience, to challenge oneself and to make new friends with people from all around the world, which is always beneficial. He underlined though, that it is not an end itself, but a way to become a man of merit. What can also help is the exchange of experience, voluntary work, implementation of joint projects. As not to remain groundless, he underlined, after the European Commission, that in the upcoming financial framework the financial means for the Erasmus+ programme will be doubled. Success depends on creativity and the vision of improvement yourself and the others.

Agata Dziubińska-Gawlik – Chairman of the European Meeting Centre – Nowy Staw Foundation, focused on the fourth industrial revolution which is taking place before our very eyes. It involves interpenetration of automation, data processing, data exchange and manufacturing processes with a chain of values that connects the usage of Internet of Things, cloud processing and cyber-physical systems. It can be applied in various areas of life – education, communication, culture, demography, new technologies. It gives us many opportunities, perspectives, but also some risks that need to be taken into consideration by young leaders and that should be discussed in the international environment. It will enable to have a broad view of these issues and their consequences. She underlined also that the Economic Forum of Young Leaders could be organised only with a coordinated work of many people and numerous institutions – organisers, sponsors, partners, media, participants, who built one team.

Dariusz Woźniak, PhD – Rector of National-Louis University, talked about the university he manages and about things that make it different from other universities. He takes the inspiration from an American model that focuses on the practical preparation of young people to enter the labour market and to find their own place there. He encouraged to take the responsibility and to familiarize with the benefits that can be found in the usage of new technologies (not only social media). He expressed his pride over the fact that so many future world’s leaders gathered together at this university. It is an excellent adaptation training for taking on future challenges in various international companies and institutions around the world. In his opinion, the current centre of the world’s development concentrates in Asia and that obviously makes necessary to adapt to different cultural circles, for what young leaders should be ready. Success depends on one’s individual definition, however, it is always connected to taking responsibility and crossing your personal boundaries. What can be interesting in this field, is business activity.

Power speech:
Leader’s DNA in times of Revolution 4.0

Oktawia Gorzeńska - Principal of 17 High School in Gdynia, The Global Change Agent and Microsoft Educator Innovator Expert, Poland

Revolution 4.0 is taking place before our very eyes. It changes our reality while giving both - new possibilities and challenges at the same moment. Virtual reality becomes a part of real world and the pace of change surprises us very often, even more - its direction is unpredictable. New situations require a new adaptive leadership which is the answer to our needs. Traditional DNA - very often based on power, technical knowledge and routine solutions - doesn’t work anymore. A DNA of adaptive leaders needs new competencies we need to practice. Adaptive leadership motivates people to act, changes hearts, mind, believes and habits and makes a real change. It also gives possibility to leaders to experience an exciting trip into the new. It is time to check your DNA!

The question posed to the audience was – what is your DNA as the leader composed of?

In order to illustrate her thoughts, the speaker used the metaphor of a bridge over a precipice. You cannot be afraid to go through that bridge, because it is the only way of achieving something. Nonetheless, getting rid of our fears can be a difficult task to do. That is why one needs to be patient and ready to fail. What is important, though, is not to repeat your mistakes, but makes a lesson out of it.

‘You always need to find time to make a break and reflect. It will enable you to turn your failures into success. The first step is always the most difficult one. Everyone should know that because only with this knowledge you can go further and be able to look around and see what was unseen before. For example, only then you can notice that people that surround you and that you work with are different. They have distinct abilities, tempers and characters. They do not always suit our vision. This should not be a reason to resign from them, but the chance to look from many perspectives.’

‘Leadership reminds a walk through this bridge. The walk that you must continue despite all the adversities that occur to you. This is how you gain self-confidence and your power – you become a true leader. Soon you will be able to encourage other people to follow the path you’ve created because you have blazed a trail. Inspiring others, the openness for different views and going out of your comfort zone, this all is value in itself. Excellent!’

Rozmowa z Oktawią Gorzeńską

Wygłosiła pani wykład o DNA lidera. Każdy może nim zostać czy z tym trzeba się urodzić?

- Wierzę w to, że jest pewien potencjał, z którym przychodzimy na świat, ale są też wzorce, które obserwujemy. U mnie w domu rodzice byli liderami, którzy w czasach komuny tworzyli zalążki grup społecznych. Obserwacja takich aktywnych postaw wpłynęła na moje życie. Moim zdaniem przywództwo można praktykować. To nie jest tak, że rodzimy się już ukształtowanymi liderami. Zmieniają się przecież sposoby przewodzenia ludziom, zmieniają się problemy, wyzwania, więc ważne jest, by ciągle się rozwijać, szukać, zadawać sobie pytania. Istotne są trzy kluczowe rzeczy, o których mówiłam w czasie wykładu: refleksja, zbudowanie silnego środka i poczucie własnej wartości, które daje odwagę do działania. To wszystko można doskonalić.

Dużo mówiła pani o umiejętności pracy w grupie. Dla wielu ludzi to doświadczenie trudne i stresujące.

- Wspominałam o dwóch rzeczach, które to ułatwiają: empatia i uważność, by pochylić się nad drugą osobą. Ale powiedziałam też, że przywództwo nie polega na spełnianiu życzeń ludzi. Jestem uważna, patrzę na to, co dzieje się w zespole i odpowiadam na wyzwania, które się pojawiają. Warto obrać pewien kierunek działania, znać swój cel. Wtedy nie ulegniemy pokusie, że ze strachu spełniamy życzenia innych. Ta siła w środku jest kluczowa.

Co pani dało bycie liderką?

- Mogę powiedzieć, co mi daje, bo cały czas jestem w procesie. Ciągle otwieram nowe drzwi, posługując się metaforą z wykładu - wchodzę na nowe mosty, poznaję nowe drogi. Nie mówiłam o tym na wykładzie, bo nie chciałam, by zabrzmiało to deprecjonująco, ale przez cztery lata byłam nauczycielką języka polskiego, bardzo mocno osadzoną jedynie w edukacji szkolnej. To otwarcie się, odwaga skonfrontowania się z otaczającą rzeczywistością doprowadziła do tego, że dziś mogę chociażby otwierać to Forum. Mogę działać z ludźmi, wytyczać nowe ścieżki, być z innymi. Dla mnie przywódca nigdy nie jest samotnikiem, tylko właśnie działa z ludźmi. I to nie tylko z tymi, którzy klepią go po plecach, ale i z oponentami, którzy kwestionują jego działania. To ogromna wartość, by umieć się w to wszystko wsłuchać.

Workshop session - round I

Workshop 1: Innovative tools for international cooperation
Workshop 2: How to take care of your finances
Workshop 3: 4.0 Leader between East and West
Workshop 4: Vlog as a modern e-marketing tool
Workshop 5: Young Entrepreneurs - Young leaders on labor market - Youth Human Impact Association
Workshop 6: Discover your inner leader
Workshop 7: Use the potential of crowdfunding! - good practices from Crowd-Fund-Port project
Workshop 8: Entrepreneur and global challenges - simulation game.

Workshop 1: Innovative tools for international cooperation

Aneta Szczykutowicz, European Meeting Centre - Nowy Staw Foundation, Poland:

What is good international cooperation in age of digitalization? What principles should it be based on? How to build international cooperation between young professionals in the field of public diplomacy? It is a time of substantive discussions and elaboration of declarations for good international cooperation and creation of new projects around selected topics.

Workshop 2: How to take care of your finances

Grzegorz Chłopek , CEO, Nationale-Nederlanden PTE S.A, Poland

It is a workshop about savings and investing for beginners. It presents step by step how to organize your home budget, learn good financial habits and define your goals. Participants will learn what amount of money will provide a sense of security and what to do with additional income, such as bonuses. They will discover products that provide tax optimization and learn how to interpret economic forecasts. Everyone will have the chance to develop their own long-term savings and investment strategy.

Workshop 3: Leader between East and West

Anna Szlęk, Member of the Pool of Trainers of the Polish National Agency of Erasmus+ Programme, Poland

Michał Pachocki , Research and Analysis Department, Foundation for Development of the Education System, Poland

The leaders should not be afraid of challenges while managing projects and inspiring their teams. What challenges do they face though when it comes to implementing international cooperation projects? What competences and skills are useful to overcome barriers and stereotypes when linking East and West? How to remain strong and consistent in order to promote your own visions and, at the same time, constantly strive for your goals? Which obstacles can be faced and how to overcome them while achieving milestones and expected outcomes of cooperation? The core objective of the workshop is to provide hints and basic tools that can be helpful in dealing with joint transnational initiatives, networking and building new partnerships between organizations from the EU and partner countries. The area of facilitating cooperation between people and cultures is sometimes unrevealed and requires knowledge deriving from other people's experiences. Therefore, the session will make it possible to exchange participants’ knowledge and perceptions.

Workshop 4: Vlog as a modern e-marketing tool

Aleksandra Skorżyńska , Social media & Photo & Webvideo Specialist in ‘PROJEKTOR - student volunteering’, Poland

Mateusz Salach, Social media & Photo & Webvideo Specialist in ‘PROJEKTOR - student volunteering’, Poland

What are main technical aspects of preparing, production and montage of short movies? How to promote company/organization brand in new media?

Workshop 5: Young Entrepreneurs - Young leaders on labor market - Youth Human Impact Association

Patryk Klej, Managing Director of Youth Human Impact, Poland

Milena Łuba , Youth Human Impact, Poland

The phenomenon of young people who cannot fit in labour market is growing stronger and stronger. There is a huge debate about this issue. But what can we actually do about it apart from raising awareness? The answer is quite simple - start their education in project management already in high school. A big part of the society does not realize how precious thing is in youth’s possession - time, which used in a proper way can pay off multiple times. But to make this happen, we can’t teach young people only theory. We have to let them experience it in practise through struggling with real-life situations. Only then they will learn how to deal with issues such as: too small budget, finding sponsors and patronages, etc. This solution will make youth more entrepreneurial and help them become successful people in the future, who will find their job rewarding, lucrative and for whom the word “impossible” does not exist.

Workshop 6 - Discover your inner leader

Olga Legosz, Co-founder in „Sukces Pisany Szminką”, Poland

Each of the participants will have a chance to identify his/her leadership style and competences. The workshop is also an occasion to get to know specific management models and proper use of those. Acquired skills will be tested out in practice during the workshop with case-study concerning the future of Polish youth.

Workshop 7 - Use the potential of crowdfunding! - good practices from Crowd-Fund-Port project

Edyta Bartoś, Coordinator of international projects at the Gdańsk Entrepreneurial Foundation, Poland

Paweł Płoski , Substantive guardian of educational projects at the Gdańsk Entrepreneurial Foundation, Poland

The phenomenon of crowdfunding is the answer to the ever-changing reality of the global market. During the workshop, we will present the concept of crowdfunding, which can be the opportunity to develop your own business and private ideas. The most important part of the workshop aims to encourage participants to start their activities with a vision of their final stage.

We will try to answer the two most important questions enabling you to start your journey - why and for whom I want to do it. We will discuss in details the preparatory stage, promotional activities and functionalities that are available on the crowdfunding platforms nowadays.

The session will allow you to redefine your ideas, but also serve as a nice beginning to start building value for your business. Thanks to the workshop, you will be able to check if you are prepared to implement a crowdfunding campaign, what is it and why it is worth to start. You will also learn about the campaigns that we conducted as a part of our internal projects.

Workshop 8 - Entrepreneur and global challenges - simulation game.

Janusz Reichel, Ph.D., Associate Professor at the Faculty of Management, University of Lodz, Poland

Agata Rudnicka, Ph.D., Associate Professor at the Faculty of Management, University of Lodz, Poland

Simulation business game lets you play the role of an entrepreneur in the global market. Participants running businesses will be exposed to different situations in the markets where they will operate. This will require responsible and resolved decisions. The participants will experience a variety of constraints and events arising from market or legal and social conditions (e.g. competition or environmental pollution). The game allows you to understand better market realities, gives you material for discussion on various topics related to entrepreneurship and the role of an entrepreneur. The dynamics of the game allows you to immediately experience the consequences of your decisions and give you the opportunity to check yourselves in stressful situations. It allows participants to understand better themselves, their motivation, and to test their ability to work in team.

Panel Discussion:
Union 4.0 - One direction or further division?

Moderator: Aleksandr Stommels - Participant of Economic Forum of Young Leaders, Netherlands

Arunas Grazulis - Deputy Minister, Ministry of Interior, Lithuania Hans-Wilhelm Dünn - President of Cyber Security Council Germany e.V., Germany Steven E. Meyer , Ph. D. - Dean, Daniel Morgan Graduate School of National Security, USA Peter Wolfmeyer - Deputy President, Institute of Behavioural Economics Research, Germany Hrant Bagratyan - Professor at Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) State University, Armenia

Diplomatic and economic challenges for the European community in the context of the impact of 4.0 industry on the labor market, economy and society. Cyber security and competitiveness. How to focus innovative solutions to meet the needs of Europeans? What scenarios for integration models in the EU? How to face new hybrid threats? Will new trends keep pace with the ever-changing security environment?

After the century of steam, electricity and computers, we are the witnesses of the fourth industrial revolution, which is taking place here and now. How to live in an era when people need to ‘communicate’ with machines with a help of new technologies? That was one of the topics discussed by the guests during the discussion panel entitled ‘Union 4.0’. ‘One of the greatest challenges of our times is to ensure cybersecurity’, said Hans-Wilhelm Dünn, President of Cyber Security Council from Germany. ‘There are numerous criminals online, but we rarely know who will attack and from which computer. We need the exchange of information, even stronger international cooperation and some new educational programmes. The universities should be involved, and we should search for talents amongst young people.’

Arunas Grazulis, Deputy Minister of Interior told that there is a need for implementation of innovative techniques. ‘We have to reconsider how the human needs were met in the past and what we can do now to do it better and more effectively. Today we have a great technological advantage over our ancestors: universal digitalization, the increase in electronic services. This is an invitation for young people to get involved in the decision processes of every form of social life. In the USA, start-ups became popular. There are a few multimillionaires who are too young to possess the passport, but financially they do quite well.’ ‘Security is also about politics,’ reminded Steven E. Meyer from Daniel Morgan Graduate School of National Security, USA. ‘Today it is difficult to say what the security actually is for your generation. In my times, everything was clear. Now the great United States is the power in the declining phase. We still remain a strong country, but we see some powerful competitors, such as China and Russia. What is more, we can observe certain fragmentation in the European Union – the north that is dominated by the strong German economy and the south which is visibly poorer. We can add to that renationalization of European politics and migration problems. These are very serious threats to the stability of the modern world and that all create a challenge for NATO. Will this organization survive? What is the level of its credibility today? Is it still valuable as the world’s defence mechanism?’

That attitude was fully supported by Peter Wolfmeyer, Deputy President of the German Institute of Behavioural Economic Research. ‘We face some huge and difficult challenges today in Europe. We made a lot of mistakes that need to be fixed now. We need good and effective solutions, and we need young, well-educated people for that sake. I appreciate that you have this Forum. Take advantage of this incredible potential.’

Panel discussion:
Europe 4.0 through the eyes of the young. Common challenges and perspectives

Moderator: Raul Labadze - Participant of Economic Forum of Young Leaders, Poland

Katsiaryna Shmatsina - Participant of Economic Forum of Young Leaders, Belarus
Neven Đenadija - Participant of Economic Forum of Young Leaders, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Klaudia Kozak - Participant of Economic Forum of Young Leaders, project: „Actively cooperating cities – active regions”, Poland
Taras Yavorskyy - Participant of Economic Forum of Young Leaders, project: „Actively cooperating cities – active regions”, Ukraine
Elisa Bodenstab - Participant of Economic Forum of Young Leaders, project: „Actively cooperating cities – active regions”, Germany

An economic community or a community of values? What will Europe look like in 30 years? How will the Internet of things and services affect culture, politics and the economy? Competitiveness of the European Community in comparison to the USA, Russia and China.

Digitalisation, high production speed, improvement in the quality of goods and services, accelerated error reduction – this is how we can characterise 4.0 Industry in short. ‘I would even say that we should already talk about 5.0 Industry’, sketched in Taras Yavorskyy from Ukraine, one of the participants of the Economic Forum of Young Leaders. ‘We live so fast that 2 or 3 years ago I couldn’t even imagine things like Apple watch, new iPhone 10 or super advanced smart houses. 10 years ago, when a person wanted to find a job, the options were very limited. Today we can find exactly what we search for. All you have to do is to download an app and you can choose not from 5, but from 100 of possibilities and this is us who decide on the type of job we want to do to be satisfied and to have a good salary.’

- ‘Today, companies don’t compete using arguments about low costs, but innovativeness,’ claimed Klaudia Kozak, Polish participant of the Economic Forum of Young Leaders. She admitted that nowadays, on the one hand, it can be more difficult to find a good job because more often robots replace humans, but on the other hand there will be a great demand for well-educated new workers. ‘Innovativeness is about improving quality, so it is beneficial for clients, but it is also a huge challenge for less technologically developed companies. That’s why we need to have our minds open, feel the need for constant self-development and possess the ability to suit new conditions. After all, I think that it won’t be that difficult’, explained Ms Kozak.

Banquet at the Nowy Sącz Town Hall

Foto: Aleksander Wolak

Wtorek na XIII Forum Ekonomicznym Młodych Liderów

Liderem trzeba się urodzić czy tej roli można się nauczyć? Jakie cechy i umiejętności powinien posiadać przywódca? Na czym tak naprawdę polega prowadzenie innych do wspólnego celu? To właśnie te kwestie były głównym przedmiotem dyskusji w czasie drugiego dnia XIII Forum Ekonomicznego Młodych Liderów w Nowym Sączu.

Już w czasie sesji otwierającej Forum marszałek województwa małopolskiego Jacek Krupa podkreślił, że do Nowego Sącza zjechali ludzie, którzy za chwilę wezmą świat w swoje ręce. - To wielkie wyzwanie, ale i odpowiedzialność - mówił i zaznaczył, że bycie liderem i praca na rzecz choćby swojej lokalnej społeczności pozwala człowiekowi zostawić ślad na ziemi: materialny, ale też mentalny, intelektualny. Po porostu wpływać na innych ludzi.

Do uczestników zwróciła się też Agata Dziubińska-Gawlik, prezes Europejskiego Domu Spotkań - Fundacji Nowy Staw. - Życzę wam, młodzi liderzy, żebyście w czasie tego Forum kreatywnie uczestniczyli w dyskusjach, kreowali nowe pomysły, poszukiwali nowych rozwiązań, by móc je później przekazać kolejnym pokoleniom - powiedziała.

Inspirujący wykład motywacyjny, zakończony gromkimi brawami, dała Oktawia Gorzeńska, dyrektorka 17 LO w Gdyni, członkini dwóch globalnych sieci The Global Change Agents, fundacji Ashoka oraz Microsoft Innovator Educator Experts. - W byciu liderem istotne są trzy kluczowe rzeczy: refleksja, zbudowanie silnego środka i poczucie własnej wartości, które daje odwagę do działania. To wszystko można doskonalić - przekonywała w czasie wykładu.

No właśnie, Gorzeńska stoi na stanowisku, że liderem wcale nie trzeba się urodzić, choć pewien potencjał, z którym przychodzimy na świat też ma znaczenie. - Przede wszystkim kształtują nas jednak wzorce, które obserwujemy. Moim zdaniem przywództwo można praktykować. To nie jest tak, że rodzimy się już ukształtowanymi liderami. Zmieniają się przecież sposoby przewodzenia ludziom, zmieniają się problemy, wyzwania, więc ważne jest, by ciągle się rozwijać, szukać, zadawać sobie pytania - podkreślała.

Podobnego zdania jest współzałożycielka „Sukces Pisany Szminką” Olga Legosz, która we wtorek poprowadziła dla uczestników Forum warsztat „Odkryj w sobie przywódcę”. - Każdy może być liderem, musi tylko chcieć, mieć wizję i pewien zasób cierpliwości. Cała reszta to kwestia nauki. Obalamy mit, że do przywództwa potrzebne są wrodzone predyspozycje - mówiła.
Przyznała jednak, że młodzi ludzie często patrzą na taką tezę sceptycznie. Są przyzwyczajeni do szkolnego modelu postrzegania lidera jako charyzmatycznej jednostki o konkretnych cechach, niczym Napoleon. - Jeśli tego nie masz, nie pociągniesz innych? To nie jest prawda. Sposobów na bycie liderem jest wiele. Problemy z tą rolą wynikają z tego, że przyjmujemy model zarządzania nieadekwatny do sytuacji, odbiorców czy swojej osobowości. Wszystko da się wypracować, tylko trzeba to zrobić w zgodzie ze sobą - zauważyła.

Anna Szlęk, trenerka w zespole trenerskim Narodowej Agencji Programu „Erasmus+”, też podkreśla względność tej roli. We wtorek poprowadziła warsztat „Lider między wschodem a zachodem”. Wspólnie z uczestnikami Forum zastanawiała się, co znaczy być liderem w różnych krajach, jak charakter tej roli zmienia się w zależności od kultury, w której wyrastamy. - Model liderstwa zależy też od tego, kim jesteśmy, jaką mamy osobowość, predyspozycje czy w jakiej znajdujemy się sytuacji. Czasami wybierzemy wzór bardziej demokratyczny, czasami sytuacja wymaga, żebyśmy byli bardziej autorytarni, czasami bardziej perswazyjni - mówiła.

W byciu liderem znaczenie ma kreowanie swojego wizerunku publicznego. Swojej marki osobistej, jak mówi Mateusz Salach, ambasador programu „Projektor - wolontariat studencki”. We wtorek poprowadził warsztat o tworzeniu vloga jako nowoczesnego narzędzia e-marketingu. Uczestnikom podpowiadał, jak dobrze prezentować swoje treści w tej formie, jak docierać do jak największej liczby odbiorców, czyli zwiększać tzw. zasięgi.

Z kolei Patryk Klej, prezes zarządu stowarzyszenia Youth Human Impact, przekonywał uczestników Forum, że organizacja i uczestnictwo w projektach młodzieżowych już od najmłodszych lat w przyszłości może pomóc wejść na rynek pracy. - Takie doświadczenia pozwalają wykształcić umiejętności najbardziej pożądane na rynku pracy, a więc inteligencję emocjonalną, umiejętność pracy w zespole, zarządzania czasem, stresem. Jeśli pracodawca trafi na osobę z takimi kompetencjami, zaoszczędzi czas i pieniądze na jego szkoleniu - wyjaśniał. I inspirował do działania: - Jesteśmy młodzi, ale mamy dużo do zainwestowania, przede wszystkim swój czas, którego starszym często brakuje. Poświęćmy go na tworzenie projektów międzynarodowych i bycie aktywnym.