16th Economic Forum of Young Leaders


September 7-9, 2021



8 SEPTEMBER 2021 - DAY 2


Economic Forum of Young Leaders Press Briefing

The second day of the 16th Economic Forum of Young Leaders was opened by a Press Briefing attended by Ms. Wioletta Palczewska, Rector of the Karkonosze State University of Applied Sciences and Ms. Agata Dziubińska-Gawlik, President of the Board of the European Meeting Center - Nowy Staw Foundation.


Networking session online:
present your organization

Then, at the same time, there was a Networking Session for online participants, during which they could tell something more about themselves, their organizations, as well as Small Meetings: coffee with science, media, politics and business practitioners on economic issues, attended by entrepreneurs, representatives of start -ups as well as non-governmental organizations. The topics of the meetings were corporate social responsibility, practical aspects of entrepreneurship, and the competences of the NGO leader.

Moderator: Aneta Szczykutowicz - Coach, psychologist, international project coordinator

Small meetings:
coffee with practitioners of science, media, politics and business on economic topics

Meeting 1. Environmental, social and corporate governance – good practices applied by the best
Adam Czyżewski – Główny Ekonomista PKN ORLEN S.A.

Meeting 2. Be your own boss – Practical aspects of running a business
Adam Galant – Start-up Nativated

Meeting 3. What competences do the best expect?
Kevin Mglej – CEO of House of Hype

Meeting 4. What are key competences of NGO Leader?
Edgar Kobos - Youth Delegate of the Republic of Poland to the 76th Session of the UN General Assembly.

Meeting 5. Social entrepreneurship - mission, values, practical aspects
Agata Dziubińska–Gawlik – Chairman of the Board of the European Meeting Centre – Nowy Staw Foundation


Panel discussion:
Ecological challenges for modern Europe – role of the youth

Excessive CO2 emission are both a global and local problem. Despite the construction of green infrastructure and the continuous modernization of domestic heating installations, the problem of air quality is the subject of fierce social debate, especially regarding to decarbonization the European energy sector.

Moderator: Paulina Haratym-Niścior – Director of the International Department, European Meeting Centre – Nowy Staw Foundation

  • Jorge Buxade Villalba – Deputowany, Parlament Europejski, Hiszpania
  • Adam Czyżewski – Chief Economist, PKN ORLEN S.A.
  • Andras Volom – Chairman, V4SDG - Visegrad for Sustainability
  • Leonore Garnier – Sustainability Project Manager, French Federation of Haute Couture and Fashion

The guest of this year's Economic Forum of Young Leaders, Mr. Adam Czyżewski - Chief Economist of PKN ORLEN, raised important aspects of the current changes aimed at sustainable production (during the Economic Forum 2020, PKN ORLEN announced that by 2050 it will achieve net-zero emissions). - What I want to emphasize is the role of young people. There is no other way - we have to change, but this change means that the consumption we see today will fall head over heels. We should use less materials per head to meet our needs, and that is also the role of business. In return, we will enjoy the consumption of goods that we do not pay for today, because we take them for granted: fresh air, clean water, the environment. In order to keep the environment intact, the costs of this must be included in the price of the product that the consumer reaches for - added Mr. Czyżewski.

Mr. Andras Volom, representing the Hungarian organization V4SDG - Visegard for Sustainability, drew attention to the social aspects of pro-ecological changes - in order to achieve sustainability, we must understand the costs of this transformation. The issue that arises during the discussion on the Green Deal is solidarity. We may feel the costs the hard way over time and that can make us less enthusiastic. The question that arises in this context is: How can our societies be persistent and prepared for this change?

- If I were to inspire people, I would ask - are we not approaching the issue of change too individualistic? Are we able to make sacrifices for the common good? We have speakers, leaders, scientists who specialize in the subject of sustainable development, but we lack cooperation and communication between organizations and nations. We need a collective, an environment that will allow specialists to find each other and cooperate - emphasized Mr. Volom.


Panel discussion:
How the youth see education system and labour market?

How can we prepare young people for jobs of tomorrow that do not yet have names? How to develop the education system to keep up with technological progress? Has the COVID-19 pandemic and social distance accelerated the trend of developing a remote learning system? What conclusions can we draw after more than a year of forced social experimentation of the educational lockdown?

Moderator: Paweł Robak – The Students’ Parliament of the Republic of Poland

  • Antoni Rytel – Deputy director of the GovTech Program
  • Michał Polak – Deputy Chair of The Management Board of Warsaw Institute of Banking
  • Joanna Maruszczak – Member of the Executive Council, The Students’ Parliament of the Republic of Poland
  • Nina Wieretiło – Founder Perfectly Personal, Member of Civics Academy Foundation

- The pandemic has undoubtedly significantly changed the labor market, and distance learning is an important topic for students. According to a study by the Parliament of Polish Students, under the project "Remote education - a true story", co-financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, it was found that the number of students satisfied with distance learning does not exceed 50% - began Mr. Paweł Robak, member of the Executive Council Students' Parliament of the Republic of Poland, Chairman of the Committee on Legal and Social Affairs, moderator of the debate.

So what are the key conclusions for university managers and authorities? Antoni Rytel, deputy director of the GovTech Polska program, answered this question as follows - In fact, the pandemic has revealed a trend that has been predicted for years. The basic thing is that these market needs are very unique - the times of one employment model are behind us

Nina Wieretiło from the Academy of Civic Knowledge emphasizes positive examples of cooperation - In our case, remote work was fantastic, we were building a team during covid. I want to emphasize that the pandemic is also an opportunity - there are people who have won the fact that they can work comfortably from home, and there are also people who have been left behind, digitally or transported excluded - some companies have introduced a hybrid mode that requires you to be in the office once in a while time. (...) 57% of university students prefer distance learning because they can more flexibly choose the content they want to learn - summed up Ms. Wieretiło

We should remember that not every field of study is possible to be carried out remotely - pointed out Mr. Paweł Robak

Ms. Joanna Maruszczak, Member of the Executive Council of the Students' Parliament of the Republic of Poland and Chair of the Education Quality and Internationalization Committee, described the issues of current challenges in education as follows - If an academic teacher has been teaching in a given way for several dozen years, he is not willing to change. Now the university authorities can check whether the transferred knowledge is up-to-date and adapted to the needs of the labor market. Progress requires bold changes - this is the first conclusion, also for managers in the business sector. We can see what are the new possibilities. What will the needs of employees after returning to the full-time mode - individualization of education and job selection should take place at universities and in workplaces.

Mr. Michał Polak, Vice-President of the Warsaw Banking Institute Foundation, referred to the topic as follows - From the perspective of the foundation and the banking sector, we said something that could also be a message for everyone: the crisis cannot be predicted, but you can prepare for it - each of us has survived a pandemic in its own way, it applies to entire industries, national economies, continents and the world. The surrounding world should not be treated as something that will stay with us forever and will continue to function as before. We already know how big a challenge it was for students and teachers to switch to remote and hybrid mode. In this room, we are representatives of the young generation from active environments, while a large part of our friends approached remote education disrespectfully, without being active. It is a lesson for us to stay open and not be offended by reality

We all know how important ordinary human cooperation has turned out to be, beyond divisions, in particular in terms of recovering from a pandemic – Mr Polak summed up.


Online study visit in the greatest polish companies


Conversation with Special Guest: Role of the Youth in maintaining international relations

Moderator: Klaudia Kozak – Klaudia Kozak – International project coordinator, Europejski Dom Spotkań – Fundacja Nowy Staw

Prof. Jacek Czaputowicz – Minister of Foreign Affairs (2018-2020)

Ms. Klaudia Kozak - a long-term coordinator of international projects of the European Meeting Center - Nowy Staw Foundation expanded the conversation with the title question - about the role of young people in maintaining international relations

- It is you who will perform important social functions in the future. For us as young people, in the 1980s the goal was to gain sovereignty, these were the times of Solidarity, the Independent Students' Association. In the 90s, our goal was membership in NATO and the European Union as the implementation of the vision of an independent Poland. It is worth asking what are the goals of the young generation today? It is the consolidation of Poland's place in the family of European democratic states.

Ms. Kozak developed the conversation as follows - I grew up in free Poland, in reality of the European Union, I studied abroad and it is hard for me to imagine otherwise - I take it as an obvious state of affairs. Should young people cultivate the relationships developed 30 years ago that gave us the possibility of this way of life?

- The international scene is changing dynamically. We consider democratic states to be more effective because they choose better programs and are stimulated by competition - as opposed to authoritarian systems which do not respect human rights. (...) Some researchers - neoclassical realists - indicate, however, that this is not necessarily the case. The ability of authoritarian leaders to mobilize resources for foreign policy goals is much greater. I strongly believe that democratic countries will come out unscathed in the long term, thanks to the release of energy, new inventions and technologies, although it is not so obvious. The United States, China and Russia play an important role here. That is why we have to follow the international scene and see the threats. - replied Mr. Czaputowicz

- The deterrent power of NATO and Western countries makes a military conflict rather impossible - however, competition is taking place in other spheres. What is a serious threat is the incredible political polarization in Poland. Nevertheless, a party meeting and conversation is still possible. For foreign policy to be effective, we need a consensus of political forces. We should strive to mitigate the political polarization. I think that the young generation is more predestined to do so. - The Minister summed up


Panel discussion:
Economy, infrastructure, transport – keywords of the current decade

When we speak about the young generation, mobility is one of the first qualities to arise. It would not be possible without modern transport infrastructure. Young people are increasingly often propagators of sustainable development in the matters of energy production and transport. Will the EU choose the railroad, the inland sailing and the sea transport? Infrastructure is the keyword to the post-pandemic recovery and achieving zero emissions. Are recovery programs, like the New Polish Order or EU National Recovery and Resilience Plans, an appropriate answer to recession and economic slowdown? How can big infrastructure investments help Central Europe catch up with the other EU member states? Does Poland have a chance to become an energy giant and a transport hub for Europe?

Moderator: Aleksandra Pepłowska – The Students’ Parliament of the Republic of Poland

  • Kamil Tarczewski – Vice President, Port of Gdansk Authority
  • Czesław Warsewicz – CEO of PKP Cargo


Seminar: ,,Personal Brand of Young Leader”
Partner: Polish Institute of Leaders

Sergiusz Trzeciak – Chairman of the Board, Polish Institute of Leaders

Seminar entitled The "Personal Brand of the Young Leader" was led by Mr. Sergiusz Trzeciak - Expert in political marketing, shaping the public image and personal brand, President of the Polish Institute of Leaders.

The subject of the presentation were various aspects of building one's personal brand, such as a strategic approach, differences between the public image and a personal brand, as well as methods of building recognition and reputation. As part of the seminar, participants had the opportunity to learn about the strengths and weaknesses analysis method - SWOT, as well as other methods of organizing values, goals and missions guiding organizations. The next point was the methods of communication during public speaking, such as substantive preparation, body language, facial expressions or eye contact. The lecturer paid special attention to networking and being a “connector” between people - including "small-talks" and "elevator pitch" - the ability to quickly convince the interlocutor to his ideas and ideas, as well as the ability to speak in public.


Presentation online: Eastern Partnership countries facing opportunities and challenges.

Shorena Barbakadze - associate professor, Akaki Tsereteli State University, Georgia


of the 16th Economic Forum of Young Leaders




partner oficjalny / official partner




Współfinansowanie / co-financing