Uczestnictwo w sesji plenarnej XX Forum Ekonomicznego w Krynicy
Europa Środkowa i Wschodnia - bilans transformacji, wyzwania dla przyszłości
Panel dyskusyjny
The Hungarian and Polish Presidency in 2011 will take place under the motto of negotiating a new perspective of the European Union's budget for the years of 2014 - 2020. The discussions about the necessity of reducing the contributions of 'netto paying' states and cuts in the EU spending will newly revive. The answer will be a call for European solidarity and the need to equalize the standard of living throughout the Community. For the countries of Central Europe the new perspective is the last chance to catch up with the rest of Europe.
Europa po Traktacie z Lizbony - modele zarządzania
Maros Sefcovic
Wiceprzewodniczący Komisji Europejskiej
The debt crisis in Greece as well as in other European states has exposed the weakness of the mechanisms of European governmentality. The European Union has found itself in trouble. The euro area is experiencing the worst economic period seen since its inception. A new dividing line has appeared, which no longer separates the members of the European Union into the developed West and the underdeveloped East. Rather, it creates a new division between states that are able to self-govern effectively (North) and those unable to do so (South). The creation of a new European financial mechanism, of a single economic government of the European Union, fiscal tightening and the creation of mechanisms to suspend the voting rights or membership in a monetary union could substantially change the management model of the European community.
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Uczestnictwo w panelach dyskusyjnych XX Forum Ekonomicznego w Krynicy
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