With Anna Moskwa, the organiser of “the Small Forum” talks Sylwia Zadrożna.
Sylwia Zdrożna: What do the young leaders in Nowy Sącz talk about?
Anna Moskwa: We talk about similar issues as it is here, mainly about different aspects of future of Europe, in economical aspects, EU – Russia relations, about how do we perceive Europe and what kind of Europe we would like to have. I think, there is much more idealism about that than it is here, but much more less economics. As for other issues, which are not present here, these are for instance: how to be leader, how to pursue a career, how to influence your own local community, how to take responsibility for your community, for your country.
S.Z.: I am interested how actually young people imagine themselves the future of Europe as these young people will decide about it in a few years; what will be the shape of it?
Anna Moskwa: In all opinions the most present is idealism and such confidence that we shall do better. Of course, we admire the guests, who came here, though we have premonition that we will do it better and more peacefully. There will be no wars and societies will be developing properly. There is a lot of optimism.
S.Z.: How many people have come to Nowy Sącz?
Anna Moskwa: 150 people form 33 countries.
S.Z.: What is the average age?
Anna Moskwa: 20-22 years old.
S.Z.: You mentioned that you talk less about economy in Nowy Sącz, but there will be also people, who will be pursuing their careers in business?
Anna Moskwa: Yes, definitely, we have many student of economy. There are many people, who are at this moment engaged in activities of many various companies, but there not many economic topics.
S.Z.: One of the guests of the Economic Forum of Young Leaders is Malte Koppe from Germany. Are you for the first time here?
Malte Koppe: I’ve been to Poland before, but it is my first time to be at the Forum. I enjoy it very much as I never had such an opportunity to participate in such a huge event. In Germany, you have to be affiliated with political party to be able to meet former presidents, members of government, but here it is possible.
S.Z.: And that was the actual main aim, which triggered you to come here?
Malte Koppe: Yes, I meet here old friends, but also I make friends with new people. With people from many countries you can talk about cooperation and future. I found here new partners as I do youth exchanges, and much less economy. I think that this is really important, and surely, these kinds of meetings are very beneficial.
S.Z.: Youth exchanges? What are you doing in Germany?
Malte Koppe: Yes, I do work in Polish-German environment. Sometimes, young people from your countries don’t meet and we should change that, because it can change the world. We build the foundation of friendship between nations.
S.Z.: Where did you learn Polish so good?
Malte Koppe: I guess it was during youth Exchange, there are also kind of short language courses. I have been to Poland before and I tried, I studied also in Lublin as a Socrates Erasmus student.
S.Z.: The Economic Forum of Young Leaders will end tomorrow and I guess the young people are meeting again next year?
Anna Moskwa: Yes, at his point we can invite you to both Economic Forum in Krynica and to Nowy Sącz.
Source (PL): http://www.polskieradio.pl/Gospodarka/grant.aspx?iID=1455